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Vile Bodies

Final Year Project

My final project explored the glamorous and dark side to Hollywood in the height of the Golden Age. In the characters I designed and developed I aimed to expose an element of this dark side through each character, individually dealing with dark issues that are attached to Hollywood but keeping up the façade of the Hollywood tinsel. Through the costumes created I feel I have achieved this as both are elegant, glamourous, and luxurious costumes, which deflected away from the dark issues that the Hollywood world has caused and created. 

I researched and explored 1950’s Hollywood. An era of costume and history I found fascinating particularly the amazing gowns worn by huge Hollywood stars, such as, Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly. As well as the historical context of this decade and how it was such a pivotal time in fashion history. Using this research, I began creating my own designs that fitted my adapted story based on the novel by Evelyn Waugh. Vile Bodies follows the lives of young bright socialites in 1920’s London, who are the celebrities of that decade, with extravagate parties, gossip and social climbing. Exposing the raw elements of the high-class lifestyle along with the tragic endings that came from it.


I looked closely into Haute Couture dress making, inspiring my two costume creations and how they were put together. I kept them traditional to couture with majority of the garments being hand sewn and using high quality fabrics.

Nina Blout
Olivia Martin_AS_02_HR.jpg

Nina Blout is an affluent young actress who is greedy, self-centred, and obsessed with money. In her mid 20’s with an acting career but an even bigger socialite career, she takes great pride in her controversy and appearance. She has an off and on-again engagement with Adam and for Nina the engagement centres around lust, money, and power.

A face that is always seen at parties socialising but it’s all a front for the loneliness she feels when she leaves the parties. Covered by a fake smile she is a broken and lonely individual stuck in the black hole that is Hollywood.

Nina is wearing a strapless gown with a clover shaped skirt of two colours of red and black. 

Constructing a half-scale crinoline as a model to then create the full-scale skirt. A time-consuming process but ensured for precise calculations, achieving the clover shaped silhouette

Margot Metroland

A well-established woman with a known presence. Margot is a powerful and strong individual who is not to be messed with in Hollywood. Margot is an international club owner and a party hostess, the club she owns in Hollywood is well established and a place where all the stars come to for a private night where the dark side creeps in. 

A wine red two-piece suit, inspired by Dior's Bar suit. A tailored jacket and box pleated skirt with a corset and petticoat as undergarments.

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